What is Heavenly Smilez?

What is Heavenly Smilez?

What is HeavenlySmilez?

HeavenlySmilez is a up & coming high-end street wear brand, and in this article we will talk about whats new, how we styled our pieces (or "peaces" for our OG's) & more.                       


                                                 Theres a lot of eye-popping products & new designs..when you enter the home page or "The HeavenlySmilez Gates" you arrive right at the home page giving you access to exclusive fabrics, that are all handcrafted and tailored perfectly for you! 


Don't worry we brought back some of our "OG" collection for those who wanted them last time but came to the site a tad too late..if that was you, you do not want to miss out this time!

                   When we say your support doesn't go un-noticed, what we really mean is...


SmilezFam, supporters, subscribers, visitors just for one day, and even those who just like to observe the site, all of you play a huge role into helping us grow not only as a clothing brand but as a community as well and we couldn't be more thankful.


The name "HeavenlySmilez" started with an idea of a verse from the Bible..(although this is not a religion based nor a sole denominational brand) we still honor the most high. With that being said..God told Joshua "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."



After reading, hearing, even so applying that to my everyday life I always feel its better to be strong, its better to be courageous and something else I learned along the way from some buddies is NEVER be like the majority.

So instead of my previous question..

"What is HeavenlySmilez?" I've should have asked "What can HeavenlySmilez Become?" 



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